Jun 7, 2011

We're not done with this. . .not by a long-shot.

Update: Jimmy Blogger must read Odyssey Way! He fixed it! I'm going to name my first son after him.

Album 53 has now ended. I have 4 entire cups of tears sitting around my house just in case aliens try to come in (probably 60% of you get that joke). Sorry I haven't been posting lately, but Blogger messed up their system and now 70% works.


  1. Is the cups of tears to scare off aliens a reference to the movie Signs where the aliens get destroyed by water like it's acid? Or is it another movie I haven't heard of?

  2. Yah, it was a reference to Signs.

  3. I thought is was a reference to Terror From the Skies where the aliens were killed with water.

  4. That was actually a reference to Signs, so I would have been referencing a reference. :)

  5. Haha: 'Terror From the Skies'

  6. Terror from the Skies doesn't seem like it references signs to me. There was a broadcast much like they did in Terror from the skies, and the reactions were very much the same. Some thought it was actually happening. the original broadcast was called: War of the Worlds. Though signs could have referenced that as well for the water thing.


Say anything your thinking about this post, any suggestions for this blog, or anything about Odyssey in general.