Who walked over a fire for his wallet?
>Bart Rathbone<
The career counselor in "True Calling" said that Mandy will be what?
>"Fourteen today, forty tomorrow"<
How many actors have played Whit?
How many porcupines has Wooton owned?
What is the name of the cat that Robyn Jacobs once took care of?
>Boswell (from "All's Well With Boswell")<
What was Connie saving up money for when she started working at Whit's End?
>To get enough money to get a bus ticket to go back to California<
Who has a fear of staplers?
What did Connie name her dog (no longer owned)?
What did Donna Barclay name her dog?
What is Lawrence Hodge's dream?
>To go ice fishing with Mr. Rogers<
In "The Boy Who Didn't Go To Church", who was Lucy's character?
>I. C. Clearly<
Who has a moose head in his attic?
>Dwayne Oswald<
Who offered to get a corsage for Isaac Morton?
>Lucy Cunningham-Schultz<
Who does Wooton and Eugene say the "president with the surprisingly long neck" is?
>Calvin Coolidge<
What Odyssey characters ended up as action figures (some video characters)?
>Sherman (dog), Connie, Dylan, Eugene, and Whit<
What three characters have talked to talking portraits?
>Whit, Mandy, Olivia Parker<
In what month was Mr. Whittaker born?
What was the name of Lester's imaginary dog?
How many Official Guides have there been?
What was Connie saving up money for when she started working at Whit's End?
>To get enough money to get a bus ticket to go back to California<
Who has a fear of staplers?
What did Connie name her dog (no longer owned)?
What did Donna Barclay name her dog?
What is Lawrence Hodge's dream?
>To go ice fishing with Mr. Rogers<
In "The Boy Who Didn't Go To Church", who was Lucy's character?
>I. C. Clearly<
Who has a moose head in his attic?
>Dwayne Oswald<
Who offered to get a corsage for Isaac Morton?
>Lucy Cunningham-Schultz<
Who does Wooton and Eugene say the "president with the surprisingly long neck" is?
>Calvin Coolidge<
What Odyssey characters ended up as action figures (some video characters)?
>Sherman (dog), Connie, Dylan, Eugene, and Whit<
What three characters have talked to talking portraits?
>Whit, Mandy, Olivia Parker<
In what month was Mr. Whittaker born?
What was the name of Lester's imaginary dog?
How many Official Guides have there been?