Jun 12, 2010

Finish That. . . #2 (Case sensitive) Click the asterisks. 

Finish this: Camp-What-A- ***


  1. It saysno file found

  2. Sorry about that. Do you have Flash installed? It works for me, but you can install Flash 10 in the link below (if you don't already have it installed).


  3. I works now, thanks.
    By the way I have a Blog (Not AIO related) but interested in audio what do you use? I searched the internet for that player but couldn't find it.
    The Big One

  4. Go to the Odyssey Scoop post titled "Whit, Connie, and Eugene... on Another Radio Drama?" (it's second to the bottom). In the comments I explain the HTML of the player. I don't think the ToO will mind you using their player. But I'm not sure.

  5. "This is a tough one.
    I listened to that show twice and I still can't figure it out.
    The Big One

    Oh, I meant the post's comments. Not the show. Like under the post it says "Comments" and it's explained on a comment by me. Sorry about the confusion.


Say anything your thinking about this post, any suggestions for this blog, or anything about Odyssey in general.