Mar 13, 2010

The second part of Album 51, "The Inspiration Station" is on the radio. Listen to it here. And this is the episode where clips sent to the Official podcast on how they're inspired by Connie were played. Audrey, from AIO Insanity, got her clip played! She said, "I can't think of anyone who doesn't like Connie." Now that's pretty cool.


  1. I was thinking about waiting till I've heard them all on the radio before I get it, like I usually do...but I've heard and read so much about it...I don't think I can wait much longer.

  2. I got the album and thought "I'm gonna wait until they all air on the radio before I listen to it." But everyday I saw the album sitting there. So I ended up listening to it. No regrets.

  3. Hmm, all the talk about what it's like and the inserts and extras really makes me want to get it...I'll prob order it tomorrow, but from what I saw it won't be shipped until april 6...Tha's what I get for waiting so long..and not preordering


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